Author Topic: First try egg tanning  (Read 656 times)

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Offline paulc

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First try egg tanning
« on: January 25, 2025, 12:51:49 am »
So I had 3 deer hides to work w. Left them in clean garbage can w water for several days, Temps maybe up to 45 during the day, low 30s at night. About 4 day in I could almost pull a pinched bit of hair out of hide but very little. Started scraping w derelict lawn mower blade w only a little edge, wouldn't grab my thumb nail....took several sessions over 2 or 3 days to get hides fleshed-easy, and hair removed-good deal harder. Tore all kinda holes in the hides. Wrung out, soaked in dozen egg yolks and 3 or 4 cups of warm water, little squirt of palmolive. Soaked and wrung out twice w egg solution. Hides smell like dead animal, one has turned basically black. I let then dry too much, he'll of a head cold- so breaking/cabling them is near impossible.
Do I rewet and cable them before they dry? Seems unlikely I get the dead animal stink out...make hide glue out of them? Second round of egg? Try again next year?
Thanks as always, yall are the best.  Paul

Offline GlisGlis

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Re: First try egg tanning
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2025, 08:01:07 am »
my only experience with eggs tanning is with salmon skins
skinned, well scraped, detached as much as many scales as possible, left to dry (taking out scales is probably better done before skinning)
When almost dry i spread and rub the yolk with very little water. I Roll the hide and leave for 24h in the fridge.
After that i rinse out almost all the yolk. Let it start to dry and before all moisture is gone I starts the breaking
Done it 2 times. It worked quite well
Sorry not to have more relevant informations

Offline bjrogg

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Re: First try egg tanning
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2025, 08:33:48 am »
I have never done egg tan , but I’m guessing the dead animal smell won’t come out. At least if it’s a rotting dead animal smell. Is it a rotting smell or just dead animal smell.

My wife often says I smell like dead animals after I work hides. But not rotting animals. I think she just has a sensitive On the bright side that is one of the reason I got my man cave.

Tanning hides is always a lot of work no matter how I have done it. I hope it’s not all for not.
Wish you luck.


PS hope you get over your head cold. It’s been going around. I’ve had a headache for a week now
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 08:36:57 am by bjrogg »
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Offline Aaron1726

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Re: First try egg tanning
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2025, 12:58:31 pm »
I tried egg tanning once.  After smoking the hide it smelled better, but it still has a little bit of that dead animal funk to it.  I've done some squirrel hides that are just essentially raw hide that I broke and oiled and they have no smell so may just be the egg, I don't know.

As for breaking/cabling them, I'd think if you just re-wet them you would be ok, but the one that's black... not sure about that. Good luck, hope they turn out for ya

Offline Pappy

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Re: First try egg tanning
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2025, 09:52:20 am »
Never done egg tan but what you are saying I would say the hides are close to being spoiled, to long in the water, :-\ I also dry scrape so very little experience in wet scrapping, I know from the few I have been involved in it is more to it than just getting the hair off,you come close to spoiling the hide before the hair will slip, the key is to get close without spoiling it. That being said if they were mine I would put them back in water with maybe a little baking soda and rinse well, then maybe wash good in some dawn and fresh water, I have used egg in my brain mix[just 1 or 2] a time or two and the problem I had was the same as yours, it smelled bad after a day or 2 in the mix, egg goes bad pretty quick so that might be the smell . Like I said I would rinse good and start over , probably using brains, if you are tearing the hide easily they are probable about spoiled so all I would know to try is what I have said above, just maybe that will work. If not I would probably toss them and start over. I know this isn't much help but all I would know to try. I don't read much or do the u tube thing , just usually fly by the seat of my pants until I find things that work, you mess up a lot my way but you also learn a lot along the way.  ;) :) :)
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