I went to my sister-in-law Ma Gail's for Thanksgiving, she is an amazing cook. I hadn't seen my sorta' girlfriend in a couple of months, she has had health and family problems and had become a bit of a recluse. I asked Ma Gail if I could invite Carol, of course she said yes. I didn't think Carol would come because she has become so reclusive lately but she did. As soon as we got our plates and sat down, she came out of her funk and was as happy as could be, there were only 4 of us, it is amazing how good food and friends can brighten one's day.
I have a huge greens patch so I cooked collards to bring, cooking greens is one of my specialties. I cooked my largest pot full, of course they cooked down a bit but there was still enough to feed an army.
When I got home, I loaded up my stuff and went deer hunting at my neighbor's place, the wind was perfect for one of my lock-ons. The deer came out in the field but about 350 yards away. I will move today, if they come out in the same place one is going to the freezer.