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Black locust question

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I have some black streaks showing up in the Black locust bow I am making. I got it when it had only been cut and split for only a few weeks. It was debarked and properly sealed. I put it up indoors and weighed it weekly to track the moisture loss. I do not believe this is a fungal rot, but I have never worked Black locust before.



Eric Krewson:
I see this in a lot of woods and believe they are mineral streaks from where it grew. I see it a lot in poplar and osage, the streaks in osage are reddish.

Will B:
I’ve made a number of black locust selfbows and I see those dark streaks in nearly every bow.  I’m not sure what causes them but I’ve never had a problem with them.

I’ve only built a couple but seen the same . I just thought that was the characteristics of the wood.   

My friend dropped a big one in his yard not long ago, and my son, and I split it into staves. I will be hacking on those staves this winter lord willing. Black locust will for sure test your tillering skills, but made right it makes a fine self, or sinew backed wood bow. Good luck with yours.


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