Main Discussion Area > Bows

Twist and shout

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Thanks Dave. You’re right about the fact I tend to try to get it heated to fast. I think I’ve scorched about every bow I’ve tried to cook on coals. Funny thing is I’m just the opposite with my heat gun. I just can’t make myself stay after heating one that way.  I think it’s the same thing that causes both, no patience.. not enough to stay at it with the heat gun and not enough to let it sit over the coals at a higher level away from the heat. Like with most things, I have to learn the hard way  :o :o

That's to bad, was looking forward to seeing how this one turned out, I do usually do and tip flipping before heat treating, never done any over a pit so can't say,do it with a heat gun, and usually don't do much heat other that to straighten/profile and line up until I have it at low brace and everything even. :) and you are right patents is the key, it ant a road race.  :)


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