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Twist and shout

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Starting a new one. Wanted to try something different and had this hickory stave with a bunch of propeller twist in it.  I figured I’d give it a shot and see what happens.
I’ll post more pictures as I move forward.  Going to try and straighten one limb at a time and see how it goes.

Cool.  With hickory being so resistant to breaking, even with grain run-outs and back violations, I've long wondered if you could make a bow out of twisted hickory and just leave it twisted.  I bet you could get away with it if you kept the weight fairly low.  It would be interesting to try, and you might end up with a bow that looked like a narwhal horn!

Pat B:
You could tiller the twist out of it so it's straight at full draw.

You might could do that Pat, I doubt I could.  I was thinking about steaming it out then using dry heat to set the limbs. I don’t know if that will work but that was my thinking.  I tried very hard to follow the grain in the stave. It’s 70 inches long and 1&1/2 wide at the fades. Planning on a pyramid style bow. Probably has 1/4 turn of twist to it.
Anyone ever done that? Can it be done?  I really don’t know.

I’ve done it with Osage. But it’s easier to cut the center of the bow on the belly side of handle until It’s about 3/4”  then heat and twist the handle section. That gets  a lot of the propeller out. I did a bow build on here with that method. I shined the sawed section and did a glue on to the belly of handle. You can also put reflex or deflex in the handle at that point.


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