So, what I did was cut the bow's limbs out just oversize (in thickness, anyway) and then tillered as normal, seeking out the target draw force while keeping to the projected tiller shape as much as I could. The limbs ended up being just slightly thinner than the calculated dimensions.
The computed sections are all rectangular. The real bows have limbs that are ever so slightly rounded around the corners, and the handle more generously so. Especially in the handle, I figured the change in deflection was small enough to disregard.
I've not yet shot mine, nor have I measured F/D curves. A project for a different weekend. But I love data so it's something I should do.

The two sets of nocks at each end are for the bowstring and the stringer. My stringer is just a long length of paracord with a loop at each end.
The version of VirtualBow I have doesn't calculate/project set. I just fiddled with the design so the model had a working stress that I knew should theoretically produce that much set. I think your spreadsheet is probably the most advanced of all of us who have such programs in modelling bows. Actually Alan Case's SuperTiller might do it too... But mine definitely doesn't and neither does VirtualBow.
Do you have any setup for, or intention to measure the dynamic properties of the bows for comparison to the model?
I'm not sure I can. Could you elaborate?
A dedicated 4PBT setup is something that's been percolating in my mind for a few years now. When I build one I will definitely share.