People were talking about limb timing on a recent thread.
I find it hard to see how the limbs can return at different times, after all the limb tips are connected by the string!
They are balanced at brace, and (unless the grip is somehow clamped in an unbalanced position) the force is in balance at every point from brace to full draw, and thus presumably during the return as the arrow is loosed.
The only imbalance I can see is if someone is string walking (a hideous practice for a wooden bow)
They are not "individual" limbs, the whole bow is effectively one continuous spring. Even a very asymmetric bow like a Yumi remains in balance throughout the draw.
Is there any video evidence of limbs returning out of synch'? I can see it happening with a compound (spits on floor) if the cams don't match.
Anyone got any explanation, comments thoughts?
I'm happy to be shown to be wrong and have my understanding (or lack of it) enhanced.
Del (confused of Harlow)