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"PA forum will be closing down"

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This was foreseeable for a long time. Now read this by PatB here on tradgang:
Up for discussion.
Good luck PA!

That is really a sad news!
Loosing PA forum is like a fire in a library.
So many useful informations!!!   Words of people that in some case are no more and continue to teach and inspire new generations.
I strongly hope the owners would consider to let PA forums live

One thing I noticed is both PA and tradgang use the same "simple machines" software for site management.
It should be quite easy to integrate PA into tradgang.
Please consider this option
Do we have a shutdown date? is there time to prepare a bailout? 

Del the cat:
Sad indeed... I know nothing about advertising revenue, business models, income streams and production costs.
But I do know that closing BOM to non subscribers was a ridiculous decision, as it cut off a supply of good content and viewers.


--- Quote from: Del the cat on August 27, 2024, 06:35:30 am ---...
But I do know that closing BOM to non subscribers was a ridiculous decision, as it cut off a supply of good content and viewers.

--- End quote ---

Yes, indeed.

Very sad. I fret for all the information that will be lost to the archery/ bowyer community. Yes the broad stuff will still exist in other forms of media, but the individual artistic detail, idiosyncrasies, and the personal perspectives, that made such a richness that made things special will disappear. The same thing happens with family photos. We take more photos than at any other time in human history, yet they don't seem to have the same value as when they were on film/negatives. It's like gross inflation of paper money, because most people take them for granted, and don't archive or preserve them, or print them out like we used to.  As they don't exist physically, they will likely disappear for ever once our memories are gone.

I think cancelling print issues was the end of PA. The same pattern has occurred with many of the other magazines that I subscribed to. They rationalized their businesses during Covid and, that model didn't work out for most. I still wanted print issues for all these magazines, and even wrote to some of the editors telling them why I thought it was a mistake to go digital only, and that I wasn't going to subscribe anymore. That was even before PA went digital only. None of them listened, many ended up folding. I can't imagine that ones that continue to exist as digital only are doing as well monetarily as they did in print. They certainly aren't making more profit.

 Digital only is a corporate model, that people who have no idea about the soul of an institution, promoted. I can't accuse the publishers of being like this because they obviously have a a long standing passion, and great track record of service to the community. I imagine everyone has to hang up their spurs eventually, and retire to a quieter life, for whatever reason, so I wish them all the best. Thank you for all the years of good memories, and the opportunity to encounter and interact with such wonderful people in the community.


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