Here are my personal bows, the top one is a BBO so it doesn't count, I have since finished the handle.

The third one down from the top is the crown jewel, I had a 1 1/8" splinter of wood with 13 drying checks down the back that I filled with superglue, I didn't give it much hope but made a bow out of it as an experiment. This turned out to be a magic piece of osage, very heavy wood with thin early wood. I never heated the limbs to reflex them, they were dead straight when I started the bow and never changed. I was pretty stout when I made the bow so it is 62#@25", 62" NTN, much too strong for me to shoot now. I made the bow in 2002.
All of the other bows have been heat treated at some point in their life. It is a rare bow that I make than has much set, never more than an inch after years of use, all are gizmo tillered, it works for me. I made the third bow from the bottom 12 years ago, it was my go-to bow for all these years; it probably has 100K arrows through it; it has a little set but is still my best shooter. All of the other bows are 1 /14" wide, 64" NTN, I dropped the poundage on a few of them as I got older.