Main Discussion Area > Bows

Splice bow project

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Eric Krewson:
I draw my splice on a legal pad, cut it out and glue it on the billet with Elmer's white school glue. Draw a center line on your billets to line the splice up with.

Eric Krewson:
I flatten the belly of the handle so I can run the billet through the bandsaw easier with no wobble.

It always takes a little sanding here and there to get a perfect fit. If you get a wonky cut splice heat the spliced ends and put them together without glue and clamp them hard. The wood will bend and conform to each billet for a good fit, take the clamps off after everything cools.

This is a limb replacement in the pictures

When you glue the billets up put on one clamp and align the two center lines then add a couple more clamps.

Thanks Eric. I’ll take all the advice I can get. I did remember you posting about steaming the handle splice and clamping it to get a better fit.

Practice first, a couple of times, on two pieces of scrap 2X4's. You won't regret it. Getting a perfect fit is not easy.

Ya it is tough to always get a prefect fit, the good news is they don't have to be prefect, if you are using good glue it will fill any small voids if the fit isn't prefect, the main thing for me is to be sure they go all the way in without forcing them, they will split out easy in the handle if you force them in, ask me how I know.  ;) :) Also like has been said making sure the belly side is flat and square before starting the cuts.  :)


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