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Splice bow project

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Okay how do you know Pappy  (-- I値l be using smooth on  ea 40 glue watched a video Del has online about splicing, that helped for sure. Also liked the way Eric glued his pattern onto his billets. I知 slowly developing a plan in my head on how I知 going to try this with the input from here and Del痴 video. I値l post pictures once I get started. Thanks for the help.

Eric Krewson:
I use dry heat for heating a sloppy splice cut, never have steamed one. I love my heat gun.

My mistake, I thought I remembered you saying you steamed it. Dry heat would probably be easier for heating up a splice anyway. Thanks


--- Quote from: Muskyman on June 16, 2024, 09:23:47 pm ---Also liked the way Eric glued his pattern onto his billets.
--- End quote ---

If you don't want to deal with the mess of white glue you can also use a glue stick or 3M77 spray adhesive to stick the pattern on. I use glue stick if I want it to come off easy, 3M77 if I don't want it coming off without sanding it off.

Not yet mentioned for the fitting is it's much easier to shape the male side of the joint to fit the female side, just like when doing mortis and tenon joinery on furniture.


Thanks Mark, I値l keep that in mind. Got a ring chased on the other billet today and will probably try and flatten out the belly side with the backs being lined up next. Then get a center line on the backs.


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