Here’s a little black locust bendy handle I just finished up. It pulls 40# at 27” and is nice and mellow in the hand. It ended up taking about 1” set all done. It’s 56” between the nocks and 1 3/8” wide from fades to midlimb then tapers to 3/8” nocks. The handle is 1 1/8” wide. I decided to keep the finish work nice and simple leaving the wood undecorated. Just Purple Heart overlays and finished with a base coat of linseed oil, then enough coats of truoil to fill the pores then buffed smooth with steel wool, and topped off with a couple light coats of satin lacquer to cut the shine. I decided to stamp the leather strip for the handle wrap and like the texture it adds.
I was shooting for around a 50# draw but it started to fret early in the tillering so I dropped the weight expectation back to 40 and was able to remove most of the fretted wood. There’s still some fretting but nothing major. As black locust does, it still shoots well with the frets. And it frets without much set or loss in performance.
Thanks for looking