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Cutting and sealing hickory

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Thanks guys. That’s what I was figuring, but nice to know for sure so I know not to cut more than I can handle.

Will B:
I agree with Hamish. I always put a second coat of shellac on the back and ends on hickory due to the amount of moisture in the sapwood.

Pat B:
Any exposed stave back should be sealed whether it is well seasoned or fresh. And as said above shellac is my choice because it is easily removed later without damaging the pristine, exposed back. I keep a can of spray shellac on my work bench all the time for convenience.

I always seal the backs and ends of spring or early summer cut hickory, wipe them down good to get as much of the moisture off , also try and keep the out of the sun and in as cool a place as I can. They will check pretty quick if you don't. I usually put 1 coat on, let it dry and then another. I use slightly watered down wood glue.

Thanks everyone. That’s what I figured but was wondering about to much moisture on the surface for a sealer to stick and dry. I never would have thought to take a rag to wipe off excessive moisture on the surface before applying sealer like Pappy suggested.


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