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Will B:
That is one fine looking shed. Good luck with your next bow project.

Looks good mike.  The shed and the stave. 

Nice shed but I want to see the bow!🤠

Great looking she-shed. Best to keep momma happy for sure.
Nice looking stave, can’t wait to see the bow.

Actually that stave was harvested last September. It had been stored with the bark on and I decided to take the bark off and store it. I’ve got 1 or 2 more staves to debark, also have 3or4 billets that need the bark removed. I did spray the bark with a pesticide and didn’t see any issues with insects but I didn’t want to chance it. I do have a couple bows in the works I hope to finish up soon. Hopefully you’ll see them in the junior bow trade. That stave might be okay it’s got a little bit of a funny shape but it’s pretty much knot free. Rings are nice on one side and get thinner as they go from one side to the other.. worse case I’ll have to back it with something..


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