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Pat B:
Gaur, did you make a roadkill whistle pic pizza this year? It was a hit last year.  :OK

I failed to secure whistle pig prior to the event.  But made some smoked venison front shoulder with wild Ramps pizza.  Must have made about 40 .  Mostly on wed and Thursday.  Jessie cut me some standing dogwood and we had the thermometer pegged.  Must have been 1000 F and they were flying out of there every 2 min


--- Quote from: Gaur on May 09, 2024, 11:35:03 pm ---I failed to secure whistle pig prior to the event.  But made some smoked venison front shoulder with wild Ramps pizza.  Must have made about 40 .  Mostly on wed and Thursday.  Jessie cut me some standing dogwood and we had the thermometer pegged.  Must have been 1000 F and they were flying out of there every 2 min

--- End quote ---

I got a little 'za early one morning, but I have no idea what it was made of, nor do I seem to have given a tinker's whistle what it may have or have not been.

Thanks Gaur for helping keep people feed early in the week, much appreciated , also our conversations , although short still very enjoyable.  :) Your son was good help also when I needed him, fine young man.  :)

You and the members put on another great event Pappy.  Was my 4th straight year since moving to NC


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