Main Discussion Area > Bows

Inaugural “junior” bow trade

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I’ve been working on mine. Got the limbs shaped and down to about 5/8 or a fuzz more. It’s just starting to bend a bit. Got my EA 40 in the mail the other day and have my handle piece cut and flattened. Scored up both the bow and the handle piece and will probably glue it up in the next few days.
It doesn’t fit as w7ell as I would like but I’ve pretty much done all I can think of. Filed it pretty flat then onto the belt sander, both pieces. Not as good as I’d hoped so I took a card scraper to it and made it better. Couldn’t get it perfect so I quit with the best I could get it.
Probably thin the limbs a bit after that then do some straightening on the limbs..

It’s 70 inches long now and I might shorten it a little. Gonna put whitetail tip overlays on it I’m thinking. Maybe leather or elk hide handle wrap. Got a lot of time to figure it all out. Probably bend it with steam at first and finish it off with dry heat..

Pretty sure these pics are crap but I've not yet figured out how to get good pics on my phone that'll fit on this site without using my desktop as intermediate step.....

What I'm currently thinking:

Im going to remove the latex paint I used to seal the back, before I do any more work on tiller. That way if there's an issue under the paint it'll reveal itself.  I am assuming just enough lite sanding to reveal the grain..

The Limbs are moving pretty good from the work I've done on the belly. I am inclined to go to "short string" for next tiller session. How short is the short string? What I am currently using spans nock to nock w just a bit of slack. Shorten it so it's 3" shorter? 4" shorter?

And I recently watched a video on "authentic" Cherokee bows..nothing really to call a handle; just the midpoint of a shaped piece of wood...bending from tip to tip.  Generally when I change horses in mid-stream it bites me in the backside but I'm sorely tempted to do away w my unformed handle...

So that's where I'm at. If these pics stink like I suspect I will clean them up tomorrow from my desktop.  Your feedback would be appreciated.


Pic test.  Testing to see if flickr pictures post and look better

Made a little headway today on mine.  It's going to be a board bow since that's all I have to work with currently, but I wanted it to be more than just another board bow.  I found 2 3ft 1.5x1.5" red oak boards with nice grain that matched each other pretty well.  Spent today chasing a growth ring on the first one.  Git it down to the crunchy early wood for a single ring.  Next step is to get that layer off and then move to the next one.  Plan is a z splice in the handle for oal of 68in. 

BTW, Paul and muskyman, yall's are looking great so far!

Forgot the pics....


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