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Inaugural “junior” bow trade

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Thanks sleek, if you look at the picture the knot is actually in the handle and I’m going to glue a piece onto that handle section to make it thicker. Also no shelf on the bow. I’ll look at it better once I get it shaped a little better and have a better idea of what the knot is doing. 

Ya I’d agree that sleek.  you should avoid knots at the fades.  I appears that it is in the handle from the pic that I’m looking at.  If that is the case you are completely fine with rasping it and shaping.  I’ve put knots at handles all the time when laying out a stave if I can to avoid the fades.  Sleek is right about the fades area working too.  Just because you don’t see it move much when bending if at all with naked eye doesn’t mean it ain’t workin. 


--- Quote from: Muskyman on January 26, 2024, 04:58:31 pm ---Thanks sleek, if you look at the picture the knot is actually in the handle and I’m going to glue a piece onto that handle section to make it thicker. Also no shelf on the bow. I’ll look at it better once I get it shaped a little better and have a better idea of what the knot is doing.

--- End quote ---

Lookin good mike.  I’d say you’d be alright with your knot.  If it ends up being a rotten knot hole after working and shaping it down you can always put a plug of similar wood as del has done before or even fill it with dyed resin which could be cool.  If it’s a solid knot I would estimate you’d be fine with just shaping it. 

Knot is pretty solid. I’ll put a couple pictures of it on here. Flattened it off on the bottom and am going to glue a piece on the belly side to thicken it up a little bit. It’s probably a little over an inch right now. Don’t have any EA 40, would EA13 work okay or should I just order some and wait on it?
I think I’ll do that. Been meaning to get some anyway.

Haven’t seen a lot of updates! How’s everyone’s build comin along?


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