Author Topic: Are we not seeing enough beginners bows?  (Read 5661 times)

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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Are we not seeing enough beginners bows?
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2023, 07:38:23 pm »
I see growing activity on other sites including Reddit and Facebook. I know I have seen some people ask in general if there are any moderators on PA to approve joining the forum so it seems like there might be a bottle neck in the process. There may also be a slowing of using this type of forum versus other social media platforms.

Ryan makes a good point. I was invited to be an admin on a Facebook page "board bow builders" by two other PA Forum members several years ago. We were thrilled when after months and months of work we surpassed a thousand members. A couple years went past and we thought our minds were blown when we hit 3,000. A year later we somehow got a major boost in their algorithm and we currently have 23,300 members AND WE DON'T APPROVE A NEW MEMBER WITH LESS THAN ONE FULL YEAR ON FACEBOOK! I think we may be the largest wood bow group on Facebook, despite not allowing stave content, fiberglass content, and especially no drywall tape crap.

The main thrust of our group is helping new bowyers get into the craft as quickly and easily as possible, though we have some really well seasoned expert pros posting regularly. And yet, despite the huge membership we have a small core of regular posters and commenters, and really not a lot more posts now than we had with a thousand members. I have no idea how many lurkers reading, following, or starting new projects.

Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.