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Ashes/water ratio for brain tanning

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Thank you for your feedback guys! Spring is showing early this year in southern Quebec, so I'll be able to do the next step soon. I also have another deer hide in the freezer so I'll be able try some things differently and see if I get different results. I'll keep you informed!

Do that Jay, :) I am working on probably my last one for the year, the weather has been prefect the last few days to pull/stretch and dry out hides. I get really busy a little later in the spring so am blessed with usually good weather in Feb. and early March so that is when I do most of my tanning. :) I don't do as many as I use to , maybe 8 or 10 into rawhide and try to tan 3 or 4. Of course the raw hide is good for lots of projects and will keep I guess forever :-\ or until I get in the mood to tan it.  :)

Last time I dehaired an elk hide, I just spread about an inch thick layer of ashes on it, poured on enough water to get it nice and wet, rolled the thing up hair-in, and let it sit for a day or two.  Hair came right off!

Got similar results with an antelope hide without using ashes; I just let it sit on the floor of the garage about a day longer than I really should have.  Hair came right off that one too, and it ended up making great rawhide, but it wasn't all that pleasant.


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