thanks Aksel! I don't have these cross sections depicted in my article from the referred book (das Bogenbauerbuch). That explains my struggeling with the drawweight....
Is your picture from the other book: "Pfeil und Bogen"? I was thinking about buying that one anyways....
But re-reading my Article again it says the bow was made from a piece of wood about 2" in diameter; so that again makes sense. My actual piece was about 4" in dia.
Removing material from a stave with only a piece of flintstone maybe works easier if you work the soft sapwood instead of the belly.....just another thought....
Finally: If they talk about saplings were used: Do you/we know if these were upright saplings or maybe branches? If it was branches compression wood comes into play..... I made a few bows from branches. They behave very different behaviour from upright saplings and are extremly forgiving. With branches you get away with weird things - they just refuse to break. If I was a caveman I'd maybe go for a branch