I saw an old post from the archives with an argument about whether or not hackberry could make a longbow/warbow with a D cross-section. Being a big fan of hackberry, I had to see for myself…
It has a minor dogleg in the top limb, was heat treated as a bow blank, took approx 1.25" set even with deer tallow as the sealer, has no compression fractures, and shoots great! This is my favorite bow at the moment. Kept it as simple as possible — just a stick and a string.
Even though my draw length is only a hair over 26", I'd eventually like to make another one that's 72-74" long and mid 60's in weight, just for fun.
Hackberry - 74# at 26" draw
Heavily rounded belly.
Overall length 68" (66" ntn)
1.5" wide for the center 2 feet
straight taper to 0.5" tips
1.25" thick at handle
straight thickness taper to 0.5" tips
Wrapped jute string nocks