sorry, I tend to have muddy thought processes and I very often go off at a tangent. the limbs have very little taper and the string slips an inch or two or three every time I try and tie on, even using a timber hitch.
These are work in progress not finished tillering - I stopped working on them as they were clearly going to end up underpowered

finished one

So far I have roughed out 4 of these things, 9 or 10mm at the end of the bending section, the limb is constant taper on 1mm per 3" for the elm, and 1mm per 2" for the R/D apple. The bow is 36" ntn, with a width at the end of the bending section of 25mm and at centre 0f 30mm. Draw weight comes out at between 55 and 65 lb at 10.5" draw. The dimensions of the tip are set by an archaeological fragment, the width at centre also. Length is unknown. The short elm was a lot stronger but overstressed and the one limb collapsed on a row of pin knots I dealt with badly.
Kinetic energy calculations come out with a figure of around 15 foot pounds, I would expect about 23 +- 3lb.