Painting brick is never a good idea.. brick needs to breath and painting traps water inside and will cause it to deteriorate. You can stain it and be okay. That said, I understand a lot of people paint brick
And it doesn’t happen overnight. I’ve actually got a brick front on my house that’s painted 😁 If it’s painted you need to keep the paint in good shape so water can’t get to your masonry. Paint is very difficult to remove from brick for sure.
I’m like you and always working on my house and trying to make bows can be difficult to find time for.
Good luck on that next piece of Osage. I’m sure you’ll find some better pieces in the staves you have left.
26 years in business for myself and 20 before I started my business. Off topic here but just trying to help a bit if I can. Feel free to pm me if the mods don’t like it.
Yeah that's exactly what the guy said. Since it's a 100 years house it's going to weep from the outside so painting it was a major mistake. Like you said it's deterituong in some areas but others it won't come off. I tried using a heavy duty paint remover and wire brush and it took 6 hours to do maybe a 10 sq ft area on my entry way.
He recommended redoing the foundation block and installing a drain around the perimeter. Said it would cost more but would be a better solution than dumping money into the brick that was already compromised.
I've got two staves picked out, plan ing in starting a thread soonish. I've been hunting this past week.