I made a half dozen bows from wild choke cherry. I have told this story before ,but it is worth mentioning. For me it was a dangerous explosive wood. I made the bows 62 long 1 3/4 wide at the fades to 5/8 at the tips at my 25 inch draw, and in the low 40lb. draw weight.. All six came out ok, but after shooting 200 to 300 shots one by one they exploded, and I mean exploded. On one bow a piece of the top limb broke my glasses in two, and bruised my eye. I was lucky. I have 2 left. One with bark on it which I never shoot now, and one waiting to be backed with sinew. Our natives used it, but they backed it with sinew. Some on here have backed it with wood with success. For me birch, and walnut are more trust worthy woods to make a bow from, but wild choke cherry does make good arrow shafts.