Author Topic: Necklaces and Stuff...  (Read 2063 times)

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Offline ssrhythm

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Necklaces and Stuff...
« on: May 29, 2023, 10:17:42 pm »
I wanted to post up some points and stuff that I've been working on.  I asked about necklace clasps in another thread, and I found a great clasp on Amazon that has proven to work really well.  They are a ball and socket friction clasp that is easy to operate when putting on the necklace, and they hold really, really well.  This surprised me, but even with a heavy load (big points or multiple points), they have not failed me yet.  I got the 3mm "clasps," and they actually fit the 3mm leather round cord perfectly.  A dab of CA holds them tight. 

The other issue I was having when trying to make a point into a pendant was trying to figure out the best way to fashion a loop for it to hang on the necklace.  I tried the crimped wire method, and this never seemed to work right or look good.  I bought some spoon type glue on pendant loops, but it was clear early on that these would eventually come unglued or detach from the point no matter what adhesive I used.  One afternoon, I went to attach a point onto a cane arrow....bam, problem solved.  I initially drilled a hole in the piece of cane for the leather to go through, but I moved on to using that paddle/spoon pendant hanger thingy glued into a slot in the cane with epoxy, and this works perfectly. 

Anyhoo, I thought I'd post this up in case any of you are struggling with making point necklaces or have been thinking about making point necklaces.  I'll try to find the exact name of the "clasps" on my amazon history and post it up when I find it.


Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: Necklaces and Stuff...
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 08:44:56 am »
Wow, those are beautiful, and I like the way you figured out the hanging loop.  Really nice work.  Somebody's going to be happy to wear those.
Lander, Wyoming
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