Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Quill work

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Been trying to improve my lousy  quill work, managed to get a little better after a awful lot of practice pcs and failures, not so sure which has been more challenging in my life, knapping or this quill work, both are just full of challenges. My hands are pretty beat up from a career of construction. Probably didn't help with knapping or quill work. Here are a few pics of my flute bag with alittle bit of quill work. Thanks for lookin, Bob

 Nice Bob, never tried but have watched and I know it is challenging, your turned out nice for sure. Pappy

Pat B:
Very nice Bob. I have tried it and it kicked my butt.  >:(  I still have all the makings so maybe I'll try again. Wonder if I could get some pointers from Becca at the the way it's just over 3 weeks away. Looking forward to seeing you again there.   :OK

gotta love quill works.
very nice and i love the woven strap too  :OK :OK :OK

Glis Glis, the woven strap is another one of my winter projects, made on an Inkle loom, and a heck of a lot simpler than quill work unless ya get into complicated patterns.  Made a few sashes and some legging straps, I think I posted them on here somewhere before. I need a few more hobbies not. Bob


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