My Approach
1. I never taper the backing. It historically wasn't done with backed elbs. It was and is sometimes done on the sapwood of yew selfbows. 1/8" hickory for a backing on a 50lb bow, is good.
It is possible to do though. I can't see a good reason to do it, with hickory or other sawn backings. I do this with bamboo though, but that is a different question . If you have your heart set on tapering a backing, only taper the core/belly side not the exposed back.
2. Core for a 3 lam( yew belly). You can use 1/8" parallel core lam, if you have a thick enough yew belly. If you don't have a thick belly lam, you can use1/4" thick at the handle tapering to 1/8" at the tips. Any of these combinations you will end up with a tip that has a pleasing amount
of heartwood to core /backing.
3 &4. Core and belly at final taper dimensions before glue up, glue/reflex all 3 lams at once. Don't bother with any deflex stressing pre glue up. I can't say it would help either way, but you won't be disappointed with the peformance of a bow that isn't pre tillered by hand.