This is my first time working with yew and I've got this stave with a bit of a quirk at one end. It's a bit hard to describe, but the picture helps - it's a combination of twist, bend, and highly undulating crown height. My main concern is how to deal with that undulating crown as the sapwood is only 1/8" to 1/4" thick, and that fact that it's in a bend at the same place is no help.
My current plan is to follow the grain with my centerline and then flattening the leftover crown as much as the remaining sapwood will allow. The problem is that the grain runs off to the right of the stave at around the 64" and I'm a little concerned about not having any safety net there. How bad does yew respond to not following the grain? Would it be a bad idea to cheat the grain a bit there?
Goal is a flatbow in the 55# @ 28" range and around 64-66" ntn with flipped tips.
Thanks in advance for any advice! Just trying to exercise my patience with this stave and get it right since I don't know when I'll have a piece of yew again.