How often do still find the time to create?
In my experience, parenthood changes just about everything. Having a baby definitely cuts down on the creating time, at least for a while. But not forever.
Parenthood is really interesting that way: Babies are intensely needy and demanding, but what they need is really simple: Food, sleep, cleaning, affection, entertainment and interaction. That's about it, but they can't do those things for themselves, so they need you constantly. As they get older, they become much less demanding, capable of doing most of those basic things for themselves, but what they do need becomes much more complicated: Spiritual guidance, social counsel, loving discipline, help with developing hobbies and interests, that sort of thing.
For me, a lot of my own hobbies went on the back burner when I had a baby lying around. Nowadays, I still find a lot of time to create, but I have to be a bit more deliberate about when and how.
It's all worth it. It's cliche to say it, but it's true. I've made a lot of sacrifices for my Badgerling, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.