Author Topic: Degree of reflex at the tipps  (Read 1962 times)

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Offline Thorsten

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Re: Degree of reflex at the tipps
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2023, 02:54:46 am »
"ya gotta love Del's answers"

What do you expect from a retired engineer?  ;D   :OK

Well, I loved it


I saw the retired engineer drawing on his tiller brickwall to find the "right/perfect" angle…  I loved that too

Nevertheless, I wanna thank you folcks for convincing me to give it all a try - wood belongs to regrowing naturalrecources!

Offline Aksel

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Re: Degree of reflex at the tipps
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2023, 03:39:11 am »
Nothing bad against Thorsten for asking these questions - internet is great for discussions, to hear different opinions and seeing what others are up to, BUT I am glad I learned making bows before internet was big. Must be confusing for guys starting now thinking there´s a right way to make a bow. Back then it was more about interpreting a misprinted sentence in TBB 1 and staring at one grainy black/white photo and in between walking to the library computer typing random bow related search words on Alta Vista and be getting zero matches  ;D There was no other way than jumping into the deep end and learn from your own mistakes.