Over the years it's amazing what happens with bow making.Tools and forms used too.
I've got a 45" long/stiff handled 3/4" wide sliver of osage that got my first attempt of sinewing on it from well over a decade ago.Well before making any amount of self bows or learning how to tiller correctly just using a tillering stick.
I thought it quite the accomplishment to get those slight bends on those tips.
Gave it a nice rawhide covering too.
I remember it drew 50#'s at 20" draw.I figured this is it.I'll be ready to kill deer.
I think I made a string for it from artificial sinew.
Did'nt wait but about 2 weeks for the sinew to cure.First draw after sinewing scared the bejesus out of me from all of the cracking going on from the hide glue.
I filled the voids in the sinew job with hide glue.

It's been a long road but lessons learned.