Here’s the small section from Adam’s book detailing dry times and thicknesses…
“As the sinew and glue dry, the
moisture travels through the layer
by diffusion. For a bow with one
layer of sinew about 1mm thick.
the time of drying is commonly 1
to 2 weeks, depending on ambi-
ent humidity. The time of mois
ture diffusion through the layer
increases with a square of thick-
ness. It means, if 1mm thickness
requires a minimum of 1 week,
then 2mm require 2 squared
equals 4 weeks. Then 3mm
requires 9 weeks. The bow's
sinew is actually 4 or even 5mm
in some places, for example the
limb sides and possibly the grip.
4mm will dry in 16 weeks and
5mm in 25 weeks - six months,”