This bow was supposed to be a heavy D cross section longbow, but as I got to floor tiller I started finding grubs tunnels, so I cut it to put them closer to the tips, I made the limbs assymetrical so I could have ove shorter.
I never reached the end of the tunnels, but where I could I packed dust and super glue.
I had a really big tunnel rigth in the middle of the handle too, the handle gives a bit at full draw, I tell you was quite stressfull to shoot her in

60" ntn 62 # @ 27", 3/16" positive, the tips are 1" in front of the handle, overlays are zebrawood, finished with TRU OIL.
Gotta go to work now, when I come back I'll wrap the handle and take all the final pictures, a little sneak peak.
Guava migth not be up there with the best bowwoods, but surely can't foult it for toughtness and beauty

lower limbs tunnels

Some on the upper limb too

I think she'll go well with my buckskins