Cool Clint....I've shot them before too.They are unique.The fur buyer will tell you they are an off colored.Yellow coon.Facts are there are bays of these same colored coon sorted out at the fur sale.Same as dark ones.Facts are every now and then albinos show up.Never treed one of them though.
I think years and years ago with my first grade coon dog I shot a big cinnamon to old Blue.Blue swam the rock river at flood stage to tree him.I had to walk about a mile around over the bridge to get to him.Big old 30# boar.
Made him into a rug to celebrate his achievement back in the early 1980's.Had him hanging over the kennel fence for a few decades since.Should of took better care of it I guess.I like the dark fisher type coon too.
I always knew where to go to tree decent colored coon for the fur market.The silver tipped darker coon brought the most money.
Made a ton of things out of this critter.Even a vest.