most of my shots are very close compared to someone flight shooting,,I agree chrono cant tell how far the arrow gonna go,, but its a good indication of bow perfromance,,my bows are hunting bows,,and good arrow flight is important as well,, I killed a very large buffalo with a bow that had no rest,,the arrow went in
behind the shoulder and came out the other side,, I just dont feel like a rest is necessary for a hunting bow,,if there is a loss of performance it is not a consideration for how I use a bow,, I am able to shoot stiffer spined arrows with a good release,, I think in theory its a good point,, but in real life ,,, either way works fine,,, and my go to is,, if it was really important,,or an advantage,, we would have seen arrow rest on many more bows of the past,,, having no rest is just not a negative thing,,

ok more info than needed,, but back in the day,,20 30 years ago, all the guys shooting my bows for competition used a rest,, back then most were making the transition from a fiberglass bow and the thought of no rest really freaked them out, so all the bows I made had a rest or even a cut into the bow rest,, Im not sure what inspired me to do the buffalo hunt with bow with no rest, but I think I was trying to learn about Nataive style bows and just wanted to hunt with something similar to what they hunted with,, as stated it was effective,, as I made more and more bows over the years I think I just enjoyed the most basic designs,,
I will use Mark as an example hope he dont mind, but I mentioned the plum bow I bought from him,, no handle,, not rest,, bows makers at that level,, would not make a bow if it was not effecient,, or somehow flawed in design,,
what I should take a rasp and cut a shelf in it, not gonna happen,,

I post a pic when I get organized here,,