Had a great few day at the cabin, managed to take this 5 point at 8 yards, double lung and he ran about 50 yards just out of my sight. Was using my old trusty Osage bow again and spruce shafts with Ace 160 head, the arrows are 550 grain and the bow is 47lbs @26, it punched out the off side about 15 inches.

We have a thing we call the TwinOaks Grand slam, you have to take a doe/spike/3/4/5/6/7 and 8+,all have to be taken with a bow, it takes several years to fill but all I needed to fill it was a 4 point and 5 point, now I am down to a 4 point but that will have to wait till next year, all bucked out for this year.

Been a very good year for me, 6 shots for 4 deer and a Tom Turkey, I feel very Blessed, sometimes things just come together.
