Got back from Baltimore Trad shoot Sun. Eve (now getting ready to leave Fri. AM for Hickory, NC State Trad Shoot). "It" behaved herself very well at the Baltimore shoot (her first real outing -

), and made me so proud of her (I was really pleased with her performance). Only problem is that she is a bit of a showoff

, and she shoots sooooooooo much better than I do, most of the time. She also drew many nice compliments from shooters and bowyers alike, and made a lot of friends, I think. Oh yeah, she got rested up quicker than I did too, after we returned - smart alecky "youngsters" anyway -
Two guys (off another forum) were up there taking a three day course to compleat a self bow, from the MD Primitive Ancestral Knowledge Group, up there. It pleased me to know that they had signed up for the course because of following my build-a-long. Gosh that feels good! They were making pretty Osage self bows too, by golly. I stopped by quite a few times during the weekend to watch their progress and chat with them and their instructor (he was rather taken by "It" too, and was flirting with her
