Primitive home made bamboo hunting arrows. I’m using these for moose hunt this season. I made a dozen and picked out the best 4 that were spines matching my 55lb bow. These arrows are at 550grains. To achieve this I added forshaft weight by adding a small length of 12gauge copper wire glued into the hollow end of the shaft to get all the weights exact for each arrow. The stone points are 2.25”x just over 1” and weight 82.5 grains hefted on by pine pitch glue then wrapped with sinew. The turkey feathers were affixed with wood glue and the served with more sinew. The feather fluff at the nocks are from a scrap bag of feathers that were already dyed. They shoot great and consistent. I made a practice arrow that matches the weight and spine of the stone point arrows.
Thanks for looking.