How's it coming along? This is full draw, I'm thinking to get it braced next then heat treated before a final tiller. The profile now looks like this:

It used to look like this:

Photo is the other way up. Most of the recurve has pulled out which is disapointing.
When I heat treat this, how dark should I cook it, and should I set the handle back, or try to restore the recurve, or attempt to straighten it??? It will be under a lot of stress as it will be held at full draw for many seconds, as opposed to the fraction of a second at full draw for an archery bow so I'm thinking of a relatively gentle toasting - small colour change, heat soaking through 'til the back is warm to the touch - but leaving the profile as it is, but, I would really welcome your thoughts.
Draw weight is over 70lb at the moment. Thickness taper is from11mm thick at the end of bending section to 18mm thickness at the centre.