This is a little side project, a wytch elm short bow. I have cut in the tapers , and it bends nicely across my knee for an inch or so, but hasn't gone on the tillering tree yet. There is a nasty set of pin knots in the centre of both limbs, and at each set of knots the limbs kink into deflex. I have sllightly reflexed the tips to counter this and the nocks are currently ahead of the back of the handle.In this limb, the knots are right in the side. I am over the width I planned to use but there is no way of coming inside the knot that I can see. How would you deal with this? Should I heat treat or straighten the limb. My instinct is not to but this is the first time I have worked with wytch elm so I am grateful for your thoughts. First picture is the belly, second is the side view.