My last 8 bows are made from blue beech ( American hornbeam) , and hop hornbeam. I treated the wood start to finish in the same fashion, and have had much better end results with the blue beech, and don't know why other than maybe my skills with that particular wood. All 62 inch bows. 11/2 at the fades to half inch at the tips. I ended up with set, and belly frets with 2 of hh bows, and other 2 are just so, so bows when finished. On the other hand the blue beech bows came out the way I wanted them to. Good reflex on all 4. Two of them are reflex deflex bows, and all 4 shoot the way they should. I have made white wood bows from every white wood I could get my hands on locally using the same building methods including walnut, and birch, and have never encountered the problems I am having with hh. Maybe just my lack of skills, and of all the white woods my preference is elm.