Making good strong lace is a matter of it being cut from a section of the hide that is consistently the same thickness.No knife slits along the length either.These hides are not run through a thickness shaving machine.With deer the neck or hip area sections will be your thickest.The same for beef rawhide also.
I cut mine with a scissors from a circular piece of leather or rawhide.Very thick rawhide like beef I soak it in water first.
Brain tan lace is very tough and will stretch farther if dampened and twisted into a round type cord.Stretching it after twisting it sets the twist in it.
All lace can be broken if pulled on hard enough for impractical useage.I pull on mine to around 70 pounds of pull I suppose.Good enough for me.I stand on an end and pull upwards with both arms to test it.
I made a 22+ foot long 4 way braided rope from the neck leather of my brain tanned elk.It made close to 1/2" diameter rope.Use it for possible pouch shoulder straps or anything else for that matter.More than enough to last the lifetime of a pouch.
I do think that if a 4 way braided rope was made from beef rawhide that it would be stronger yet.Just not as fluid and pliable is all.

I imagine it would make excellent reins for a bridle for a horse,or tie down usage for packing things.Maybe to tie tipi poles together.
I guarentee it will withstand over 100 pounds of pull.I've read where a whole buffalo rawhide was cut into lace before.
I used 11 feet of that length for 3 possible pouches.
Got 11 feet left over for 3 more pouches or whatever if so desired.
A person could soak this rope in water and stretch it even farther if so desired.You might get an extra foot or two of length from it.
After all,all it really is is softened rawhide.
That would reduce the circumference of it too.I have lengths in my head that I need for pouches.44" is the standard for me.
If carrying anything heavy in a pouch I don't like a narrow cord across my neck muscle.
I like my pouches rather high and tight around waist level against my body so that they are'nt dangling out there catching on brush etc. going through the woods.

I always gotta laugh at the Daniel Boone show even though that I like it.His shooting pouch dangling on him is about 2' too long for practical purposes.