It was a nice elderberry stave. About 10 years dryed in my cold cellar.
Natural reflex of approx 1''. very mild twist. A single knot in the handle area.
I finally decided to turn it into a 55'' bendy handle flatbow. Little more than 2'' wide limbs.
Tillering was going really well. Almost perfect circular shape.
I was really astonished as I had 0 set and no chrylsalis at all.
I was pulling 50# at 20'' drawlength
It went kaboom without a single creaking and exploded in a myriad of pieces separating almost every single ring layer.
I was not able to determine what or where exactly all started (1/3 from a tip) but the back and the side looked good before.
My guess is it could have been too dry.
Do you had similar experience? is that something elderberry do usually? it was my first try and I liked alot the wood... before it exploded