Thanks for all the info, gents; now I’m really confused! No- I guess I’m just about to be more thoughtful. Three Rivers recommended a backing for their osage, which is supplied as a quartersawn board rather than a stave, hence the recommendation for backing. I can see that with my Old Man draw weight, I no doubt could get away with the unbacked board, but if there is more workshop work to be done, I will always go that route, as, much as I hate to admit it, it’s always more the process than product for me. The fun is in the workshop. ( As you might imagine, I’m a lousy archer!...yes, I have taken a couple of lessons!)
In fact, I’m actually leaning towards sawing out and floor tillering the the osage board, steam-bending it using a long plastic bag and the household steamer machine, then bending it over a simple jig into a deflex-reflex shape, then, when dry, gluing and clamping the 1/8” backing to it, still using the same jig.
If that all works, then I’ll add a power lam and the handle. If it doesn’t work, I’ll probably try and find the source of the problem and re-try the corrected process. If it does work, I’ll wait a decent interval and then go chase a ring!
Thanks for all the help.
Stubborn Old Clay in the Workshop