I've been trying to do more flint knapping lately and here are some results. A friend recently asked me if I had ever made
any fish hooks out of stone and I said no. I used a couple TX Georgetown flakes to make two. This material is great to work
with and does not require any heat treatment. Here's a progression on one of the hooks and the end results.
Made a few points. In the photos you will see five Revilla style points made from various materials. Two of the Revilla points
are made from gemmy/translucent agate and the rest are Coastal Plain chert from GA. Last point is from heat treated Mookaite
jasper. The Revilla point is found in a small area around the Rio Grande River in Zapata County, Texas and Tamaulipas, Mexico
I like to make knife blades but usually don't haft them. Here's one I knapped and used a piece of hickory tree root that I found
sticking out of a washed out lake bank to haft it to. The obsidian is clear/black/mahogany. Artificial sinew.