A tid-bit of info also why I like to use that primitive stringer with these higher reflexed composite bows.
Part of the learning curve getting to know these composite bows.
Sinew or horn is a lot more elastic than wood.It will take a bend more easily.This can depend on the percentage of thickness of composite material the limb has.Higher percentage above 50%/more elastic.It also depends on the area of the handle the pressure is on while stringing them.Stringing them unbalanced will show a bow out of tiller at brace.Then the bows' string on the stronger limb will need to be pressed down immediately to balance the brace.
This bow was in tiller after I braced it,so no pressure was needed,but placement of my hand or the innertube shows the fix here.

If it's extreme I use an inner tube on the stronger limb a few minutes to balance it moving the inner tube closer to the handle for more pressure.Sometimes even then slow removal of material/lots of excersizing is the only way to get them balanced.
When releasing the pressure the bow will show you.
After releasing I let it set a few minutes or more to be satisfied with the look of it.Most times I let it set a few minutes.Pull it to full draw a few times.Check the balance and it's good to go.