Thank you for the nice words!!
this Idea is simply awsome. As I said awsome bow, never seen something like this before. The lever shape is so beautiful and I very curious about weight reducement to the levers. also ash has often the problem that the recurves go back again but this (Id like to say architectural genius strike) sure gives some sability. The grates point in design I think is the fish skin + the lever shape - man it looks like a sting ray. awsome job dude!!!
Thank you rowan bows - needed some time to see the stingray in her - would have been a cool name too. And that's not a fish skin its snakeskin - Morelia viridis - just blue. Google it and you will see why it was a pain in the @§§ to dress her up. They are more triangular shaped than round.
sincere felicitations Martin - what a wonderful bow - you definitly surpassed yourself! please invest these 50€ and get a subscription again - there's good chance for bow of the year I would say - even if it's only May now 
these levers for sure are very special on a bow like this. these combined with the long ears of the string will definitly lead to a special fdc with very high early drawweight until the string lifts of - as you described. these long ears will also make the bow more stable and...the long ears also allow a shorter string than it would need with short ears. I have studied this topic with my bows a little. very interesting! wish you and your family all the best! thanx for showing
Thank you Simon! I also recognized the shorter string. I thought it came from the bridges which increase brace height too, but yes the loop goes straight to the bridge and not on the recurve belly. OK, I subscribed again - would be cool to have this mystery hat

and I miss the mag too.