Been a while... not much time for making bows and less too be active on this forum...
But, had a knee surgery 2 weeks ago and some time now, so I grabbed my cam and took some pics from the Black Locust Bow with I shot last year and fixed two month ago. There was a splinter lifting at a ridge on the back just below the pin knot cluster midlimbs - upper limb. So I backed it with a thin wapiti rawhide which was one piece and very thin outwards - you can see the wood grain underneath. Before, I heat treated it once again...Tillered it down too 48# at 27". (was tillered too 50#at 28" but didn't pull it too 28" again as it took an inch of set last time.) Didn't take set again which makes me very happy

. 2" of backset after unstringing and almost 3" resting.
The stave and Layout was a bit tricky - 6 big clusters of pin knots, 1 in the grip, 1 midlimb - left a bit stiff, 1 in the shoulder, 1 I could eliminate, and 2 close to the fades are almost eliminated - I still can see a little pin there. A bit of closer to center shot was also a result.
The levers have been an inch longer but one started to bend sideways after narrowing them. But I could still reduce mass by heat treating and hollowing the belly side.
ok pics: