The dry heat did work. Alignment is much better unstrung but not perfect. Letting it rehydrate before bracing.
In an ideal or perfect process of of aligning such a bow with a propeller if the propeller is bad enough it's usually taken out along the way while heat treating and reflexing.Without that the propeller will become more pronounced with more reflex as is.
Static recurves will show it even more and more reheatings will be needed to align it.
Because yours is a straight tipped bow if the propeller is'nt that bad a little movement of the tip and twisting of the tip can bring it around to aling.
Just because a bow at rest with reflex shows a little misalignment does'nt mean it does'nt shoot pleasantly.Many times slight propellers will even flatten out when braced or drawn fully if tips are aligned well enough.
I hav'nt needed to steam a handle for alignment in over 10 years and if that is ever needed in the future when doing that roughing a bulbous handle out so the bending is done on either side of the grip in the narrower areas and not at the fades is the way to do that.Going a little past alignment because of a little spring back with steaming.
Laying bow by its fades on it's side in wooden chucks with a large C clamp onto the middle of the side of the grip to do the aligning.The fades never need to bend at all.
Good luck.