Author Topic: 2022 Bow Trade - complete  (Read 39202 times)

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Offline superdav95

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #135 on: June 29, 2022, 07:59:40 am »
Cool set up.  Looking good so far.
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Offline Swampman

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #136 on: June 29, 2022, 08:05:43 am »
I also got my iron wood stave floor tillerred over the weekend.  That stave is one that is very straight so it shouldn't need any heat or steam corrections if I do my job.  I didn't take any pictures of that one yet.

Offline ssrhythm

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #137 on: July 13, 2022, 03:19:18 pm »
Just wanted to touch base…I’ve been working a pile out of my home state, remodeling my house, and will be visiting my folks across the country for two weeks starting Monday.  I applied for a pile of tags hoping to draw one or two, and I hit in every single one of them, so my time is now limited much more than I ever thought it would be.  So…I’m taking the bow I was building for my buddy in SC and I’m going to get it dialed in to my recipient’s specs and make it my trade bow.  Tillering is basically finished and it’s shooting…shooting well, but it was for a 6’4” dood with a 30+” draw, and it is way longer than I want it for the trade.  My bud will just have to wait to get his bow next spring.  Anyhoo…I haven’t forgotten y’all.  I’ll get back to working on the bow when I return to Wyoming toward the end of the month.  I should have some pics up sometime in early to mid August.  Rock On!

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #138 on: July 13, 2022, 05:22:03 pm »
Summer break starts in 2 weeks and my new Shinto just dropped on my porch.  Looking forward to making some decent progress.

Offline Mo_coon-catcher

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #139 on: July 19, 2022, 04:27:04 pm »
I took the trade bow down to Mojam to show off a little before I ship it. I shit it a bit while there and man was it quiet and smooth. I’m more excited to ship it now and see what they think. I’ll get it shipped to my guy soon. I’m out of town for work the next few days, so probably Monday or Tuesday I’ll get it out.


Offline Kidder

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #140 on: July 19, 2022, 10:48:36 pm »
Great work guys! Can I get an update on who is ready to ship - I know I’m done as is flntknp17, mocooncatcher, and Superdav95. Is anyone else ready? Hold off until given the green light as well guys.

Offline Swampman

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #141 on: July 21, 2022, 08:25:37 am »
I am not ready to ship.  My shoulder issue kept me sidelined a while longer but after a bunch of physical therapy my shoulder is probably back to 85%. 

I have been having troubles getting my black locust stave tips to line up.  I set that aside and am working on my plan b which is iron wood.  Tillering is coming along uneventful so far.  I still plan to tackle that black locust but will get the iron finished first.

Offline Mafort

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #142 on: July 29, 2022, 08:32:47 am »
Hey guys long time no see. I have been MIA. I’m ok just between trying to pay medical bills from the car wreck and then catching covid and then taking care of my niece who caught it I’ve had my hands full. I’ve got my vine maple pyramid bow all shaped and the limb profile is shaped. Hoping to tiller it Sunday and do final sanding on Monday gotta get through the 6 inches of natural reflex it has coming straight off the handle area. After Monday I plan on getting it decorated and the leather wrap put on the handle and then hopefully it will pass muster with all of your awesome creations. Again I’m really sorry I haven’t been as active. Had covid a few times before this last bout but this was different.

Offline superdav95

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #143 on: July 30, 2022, 11:50:27 pm »
Take it a day at a time brother.  Glad to hear your getting back in the shop.  Hope you stay well.  Cheers. 
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Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #144 on: August 05, 2022, 04:57:06 pm »
Been able to spend some time in the shop. Done some heat shaping but it’s still twisting hard on the tree.  Will do some more heat treating once it’s at brace height. Got the tips moving a few inches, still got some stiff areas to work on a little bit.  Still a long way over weight, still not bending enough to burst off the bark but it’s getting there.

Currently the stave has a couple of inches of reflex, tips are now drawing to 3"
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 03:52:10 pm by stuckinthemud »

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #145 on: August 09, 2022, 10:46:26 am »
OK, so, now pulling to about 16" on my stretchy long-string, actually works out at about 4.5 inches of tip movement, so at low brace.  Struggling a little to see where to scrape next.  Think to take a really tiny bit off the inner third and a little more off the tips.  Would welcome some thoughts !

Offline superdav95

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #146 on: August 10, 2022, 12:06:49 am »
Lookin good so far.  It’s hard to say.  I would agree with you.  It’s got nice early bend now so I might just do matching complete scrapes on both limbs on inner and mid limb then see where your at then. 
Sticks and stones and other poky stabby things.

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #147 on: August 11, 2022, 10:18:05 am »
Heat aligned the tips this morning, string tracks through the centre of the handle now, also took out most of the heli twist, bow pulls straight now, no more twisting on the tiller stick

Offline Jakesnyder

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #148 on: August 15, 2022, 07:28:10 pm »
I got my bow to brace height. I'm going to shoot it in some and do the finishing touches and it'll be done.  I love how it shoots. I'll get some pics up here soon of the finished product.

Offline ssrhythm

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Re: 2022 Bow Trade - build in progress
« Reply #149 on: August 27, 2022, 03:23:22 pm »
Ok.  Well , with this bow trade endeavor, I've learned a ton about my bow-building process and the joy I derive from it...which is why I do it in the first place.  So, I've learned that having the pressure of building a bow for someone on a schedule diminishes the joy and adds stress, and I probably won't do this again for quite a while.  I have build several bows and given them away as surprise gifts, and that was great.  I've built a couple of bows for my kids and for myself, and all of those bows have turned out really nice, and all of those bows have been good shooters that I've been happy with.  Some bows have ended up better than others, but I've been happy with all of them.  So....

I ended up settling into two staves that I was going to turn into two for this trade and one for a buddy I grew up with.  The one for the trade turned into an absolute beast as far as getting the tips aligned.  I've never had such trouble with a build, but I finally got it in shape and braced.  Unfortunately, the heating and manipulation must have weakened the wood, and not far into the tillering process, it popped a splinter.  I am going to eventually glue that splinter down, back with rawhide, and try to salvage something from it, but for now, it wasn't worth investing my time trying to make it work for the trade...especially when it shouldn't have popped a splinter making me think I hurt the overall integrity of the wood.

The other bow I was making for my 6'4" friend....well, I made that bow 67" long and made the limbs wider than I usually do to try to prevent set with his long draw.  I decided to re-do this bow for the trade.  I was going to cut it down some, but I was already approaching final tiller with recurved tips, and I don't think I can shorten the bow significantly and re-establish the recurves I want and have those recurves actually I decided to keep the length and just make it the best bow it can'll just be a longer bow that will last longer and shoot with great stability...right?!?

So, the bow has some twistyness, and a little snakiness, and I've had the worst time tillering.  I've worked my ass off on it, looked at it till I feel like my eyes are going to start bleeding, and done my best to get it right....BUT I'M NOT HAPPY WITH IT! 

I can only speak to hand-shock based on and comparing to what I've created in the past.  The bow has more shock than my other bows, but I don't think its terrible.  Now someone else may think its awful or maybe that it's great...IDK, but again, I'm not happy that it has more than my other bows. 

It has taken more Set than I want.  I'm not horribly worried about that, as the tips are still a couple of inches in front of the handle, and according to TBB, a little set with recurves should result in a bow that is easier to shoot accurately.  Regardless, I'm sure the set is due to the difficulty I had and my inability to tiller the bow perfectly.

So, the bottom line is this...I'm going to make this bow as beautiful as I can make it.  I can stack arrows tight at 20 yards, as it does shoot very accurately (at least it shoots very accurately for me).  It is not a speed demon, as it is having to move a lot of limb with the 67" length which is also causing more hand shock than I am happy with.  That said, it will absolutely kill the snot out of big game if it is hunted with, but it is not what I wanted to be sending MO Coon Catcher as a bow indicative of what I know I can produce.

MO...I'm going to finish this bow up to the best of my ability, and if you get it and like it, great.  If you get it and don't like it, I apologize now, and I want you to know that you are at the top of my list, and you will be receiving the next bow that I make that turns out great.